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Inning am Holz |
Per pale Gules, three rams horns palewise Argent, and Argent, a fir tree issuant Vert, in base a triple mount per pale Argent and Vert. |
Foundation of the arms:
The three ram´s horns have been taken from the arms of the noble family Schnöd, that once owned land in the municipal area; the green fir tree and the triple mount cant for the situation of Inning am Holz in a decidedly wood and hilly country.
The district government of Upper Bavaria approved the adoption of the arms on June 2nd 1980.
Design of the arms:
Peter Ziller, Tutzing.
Coat-of-arms of the Schnöd (Schnödt).
Landscape near Inning.
Erdinger Neueste Nachrichten
(Lokalteil der Süddeutschen Zeitung), 21.07.1980.
Unser Bayern (Heimatbeilage der Bayerischen Staatszeitung) Bd. 30
(1981), S. 100.
Landkreis Erding (Hrsg.) (1985): Landkreis Erding - Land und
Leute, Geschichte, Wirtschaft, Kultur. Erding (Landkreis Erding),
S. 352.
Erdinger Neueste Nachrichten
(Lokalteil der Süddeutschen Zeitung), 07.05.1993.
Homepage of the municipality Inning am Holz
This webpage was last modified 2001-07-14 by Marcus Schmöger
Email: marcus@ed-wappen.de