The arms and flags of the Landkreis Erding (Upper Bavaria)
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Azure, an arrow and a sword, both point downwards, in saltire Argent, over a three-legged cauldron Or.

Reichenkirchen (former municipality)

Azure, an arrow and a sword, both point downwards, in saltire Argent, over a three-legged cauldron Or.

Preliminary remarks:

During the municipal reform the municipalities Fraunberg, Reichenkirchen und Thalheim have joined on July 1st 1974 to form the larger municipality Fraunberg. Of these municipalities Reichenkirchen had used its own arms, that became obsolete by the merger.


Foundation of the arms:


The Bavarian Ministry of the Interior approved the adoption of the arms on February 15th 1966.


Design of the arms:

Max Reinhard, Passau.


Historical image sources:

Sword as an attribute of St. Michael.

Cauldron as an attribute of St. Vitus.

Coat-of-arms of the counts of Bogen (1204-1233), of Wittelsbach (from 1247), of the state Bayern (from 1918) (see also the arms of the Landkreis Erding, the inofficial arms of Aufkirchen, as well as the colours of the coats-of-arms of Kirchberg, Oberding, Moosinning and Langengeisling).



Unser Bayern (Heimatbeilage der Bayerischen Staatszeitung) Bd. 15 (1966), S. 32.
(Festschrift) 1000 Jahre Reichenkirchen 975 - 1975. Wappenabbildung auf Titelseite.
Festschrift zum 50jährigen Gründungsfest mit Fahnenweihe der Schützengesellschaft Reichenkirchen vom 3. - 6.7. 1980. S. 61 f.


Links: (under construction)

This webpage was last modified 2001-07-14 by Marcus Schmöger
